영어14 fizzy? fussy? fuzzy? - fizzy [피-지] 탄산이 있는, 거품이 나는 = sparkling → 와인이나 막걸리, 탄산음료를 말할 때 ↔︎ flat - fussy [퍼-씨] 까탈스러운 = picky → (특히 음식에 대한) 취향이 까탈스러울 때 c.f) make a fuss 유난스럽게 굴다 / I hate to make a fuss, but... - fuzzy [퍼-지] 솜털이 보송보송한, 흐릿한, 불분명한, 머리가 곱슬곱슬한 들을 때는 문맥에 따라 어떤건지 구분 가지만, 내가 직접 말할 때 엄청 헷갈리는 삼인방 😔 2019. 12. 5. #6 Camille Charrière I was raised in Paris, but I am a frog that hopped across the channel and has been living in London for the past eight years. (J'ai grandi à Paris, mais je suis une grenouille qui a sauté à travers la Manche et qui vit à Londres depuis huit ans.) * 지난 8년동안 쭉 살고 있다 have been living in OOO for the past eight years. * across = à travers ~을 가로질러 * 영불해협 the channel = la Manche When people ask me what.. 2019. 11. 25. 익히면 좋을 영어 구어 표현들 a hassle 귀찮은, 번거로운 일 It's a hassle. 귀찮아. "... even though it is a little bit more work a little bit more of a "hassle" maybe? 할일이 좀더 많아지고 좀더 귀찮아지더라도 말야, 아마도? https://youtu.be/XeK4GxdTeR4?t=388 Either is fine. 둘다 괜찮아 둘중에 뭐가 괜찮아? 라고 물어봤을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현 enough 기준선을 기준으로 그 선에서 충분한 I can't run very far. I'm not fit enough. Let's go. We've waited long enough. I don't like him. He talks as if he knew ever.. 2019. 11. 20. #5 Anne-Victoire Lefevre J'ai toujours vécu à Paris. (I've always lived in Paris.) J'ai été adoptée de Taïwan. (I was adopted from Taiwan.) Mon premier souvenir mode, c'est la première fois où j'ai assisté à un défilé ; c'était pour Moschino, en Italie. (My first fashion memory is the first time I attended a fashion show; it was Moschino, in Italy.) J'ai travaillé six ans en tant qu'attachée de presse pour Moschino. (I .. 2019. 11. 13. #4 Marie Zannou Je travaille en tant que mannequin, et à côté je fais de la direction artistique depuis plus d'un an, donc de l'autre côté de la caméra. (I work as a model, and I've also been doing artistic direction for just over a year, so I'm on the other side of the camera.) Je me suis plus démarquée par mon Instagram. (I stood out through my Instagram account.) * se démarquer 두드러지다 On ressentait plus ma pe.. 2019. 11. 11. #3 Louise Damas Je suis née et je vis à Paris. (I was born in Paris and I still live there.) *자연스럽게 말하는 표현을 익히기 J'ai lancé ma marque de bijoux en 2012 pendant mes études de lettres. (I lauched my jewelry brand in 2012 while I was studying literature.) * lancer la marque 브랜드를 런칭하다 ( = launch a brand) Au quotidien, je mets beaucoup de jeans. (= I wear a lot of jeans) * au quotidien 매일 = tous les jours Ce qui comp.. 2019. 10. 28. 이전 1 2 3 다음